Standing on the Cornerstone
Sermons and Bible studies from Cornerstone Baptist Church. Our Senior Pastor, Dr. John L. Rothra, boldly preaches the Word, helping us understand what God revealed about himself and how that positively impacts our daily lives. Tune in for various lessons and sermons as Pastor John takes us through Scripture, showing us how it points us to the risen Savior, Christ Jesus. Cornerstone Baptist is a local Southern Baptist church in Alice, Texas.

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Association is not Salvation | Luke 13:22-30
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Many people are religious, come from Christian homes, attend church, or otherwise associate themselves with Christianity. However, Jesus reminds us that mere association is not enough; a personal relationship through faith is required.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Understanding God’s Kingdom | Luke 13:18-21
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
There are many things we don't fully understand or outright misunderstand. We may have some knowledge, but what we know may be limted or incorrect. Jesus teaches us how God's kingdom operates using two parables.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Misplaced Priorities | Luke 13:10-17
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
We've all had someone say to us, "That's not important right now." Everyone at times gets his or her priorities wrong, including Christians. Pastor John describes three types of people who have incorrect priorities and explains what Jesus demonstrates about right priorities.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
The Joy of Repentance | Luke 13:1-9
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
People have a very hard time admitting when they have done wrong. Instead, we ignore it, deny it, or justify our sin. Jesus, however, reminds us that we must repent of our sins before it is too late—and time is running out. When we do, we experience joy, peace, and freedom found only in Christ.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
The Life of Worship | Hebrews 10:19-25
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Our life should be characterized by worship both in our daily life and our church life. In Hebrews, we are reminded that to have a life of worship, it must be founded on Christ Jesus and exemplify faith, hope, and love.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Worship through Music | 2 Chronicles 5:11-14
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Christians throughout history have debated the role of music in worship. There are many opinions regarding genre, lyrics, and instrumentation, but what does Scripture say? In Scripture, we discover the style, content, and response to worship music that pleases God.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Worship through Giving | 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Christians often talk about tithing and giving to God, but do we give for the right reasons? Scripture teaches that giving is an act of worship. In his second letter to the Corinthian believers, Paul teaches us about the attitude of giving, the source of what we give, and the impact of our giving.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Worship through Prayer | Daniel 9:1-19
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Prayer is an often overlooked form of worship. Many see prayer as merely communicating with God. However, prayer is much more than just talking with our savior; it is worshiping him through our prayer.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Worship through Evangelism | Acts 1:6-11
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
One of the ways we worship God's way is by evangelizing: sharing the gospel with those around us. Immediately before his ascension, Jesus instructed his followers that we are not to be distrated away from evangelism, but we are instead to be engaged in evangelism.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Worship through Serving | Galatians 5:13-15
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
God has called each of us to worship him in our daily lives, and we do this in large part by serving one another. God reveals to us in Scripture that serving is the calling of every believer, serving upholds God's law, and and serving protects the church from a real danger.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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