Standing on the Cornerstone
Sermons and Bible studies from Cornerstone Baptist Church. Our Senior Pastor, Dr. John L. Rothra, boldly preaches the Word, helping us understand what God revealed about himself and how that positively impacts our daily lives. Tune in for various lessons and sermons as Pastor John takes us through Scripture, showing us how it points us to the risen Savior, Christ Jesus. Cornerstone Baptist is a local Southern Baptist church in Alice, Texas.

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Worship through Scripture | Psalm 1
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
True worship is spiritually true and, thus, is dependent upon Scripture. As Christians, the Word of God must have a central place in our everyday life. We must love God's Word, learn God's word, and live God's word.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
The Nature of Worship | John 4:1-26
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
There is much debate and disagreement about what Christian worship looks like, how it should be done, and what it should involve. In Jesus' convesation with a Samaritan woman, he reveals the nature of worship done God's way.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Get Right with God: Spiritual Warfare | Luke 12:49-59
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
When a person strives to follow Jesus and serve his gospel mission, they will encounter opposition. This is part of the spiritual warfare every believer faces. Jesus reminds his disciples about this opposition and calls on people to believe him before it is too late.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
The Faithful Steward | Luke 12:35-48
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Christians should want to be faithful in serving God and others. Jesus teaches his disciples what it looks like to be a good, faithful steward (or servant) as well as a bad servant. Through this text, we are challenged to ask ourselves which one best describes us: the faithful steward or the bad ones?
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Don’t Get Stressed Out: Stay Focused | Luke 12:22-34
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Jesus instructs us not to worry about physical things. However, on our own, that is extremely difficult to do. Therefore, Jesus reminds us that in order not to be axious, we need to have the right focus. We must focus on God in our daily lives.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Seeking the Wrong Treasure | Luke 12:13-21
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Greed—or covetousness—is dangerous. It corrups our values and our worldview, leading us to sin against God and one another. Jesus warns us to watch out for greed, avoid it, and to seek what pleases God.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Fearless Confession: Boldly Proclaiming Jesus | Luke 12:1-12
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Fear often causes people to fight, flee, or freeze. Many Christians remain silent about their faith in Jesus because of fear. We fear backlash from others or fear our own inabilities. However, Jesus calls us to fearlessly confess our faith in him and to boldly proclaim the gospel.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Hypocrites and Legalists be Warned | Luke 11:37-54
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
The world accuses the church of being full of hypocrites. The truth is that they are correct. Each of us struggle with saying one things and doing another, and many churches look alive but are in reality spiritually sick. Jesus calls us to recognize our own hypocrisy, confront it head on, and overcome it.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Shine the Light of Jesus | Luke 11:33-36
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
A lamp that is covered or hidden is not useful as a source of light. Many churchgoers do just that in their spiritual lives: cover up the light of Jesus' teachings. In the Parable of Lamp, we learn how we cover Jesus' light, howe we're filled by his light, and how to shine his light to others.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
The Sign of Jonah | Luke 11:29-32
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Jesus told his skeptics that the sign of Jonah would be the ultimate evidence that he is Messiah who should be believed. That sign is the resurrection. Because Jesus physically rose from the dead, it proves that he is Messiah and that we should obey his teachings. Do you submit to Jesus or, like the crowds, do you continue to deny him?
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Alice, Texas, is a church dedicated knowing Jesus, showing love to others, and sharing the gospel. Our Senior Pastor is Dr. John L. Rothra. Join us each Sunday for worship online and in person.
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